Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Christmas Falalalalaala

If you have never been around a Christmas falalalalunatic consider yourself a lucky duck. I'm sitting here watching some Christmas movie that is just another version of the 3 that have already been on today. It's usually just another variation of the movies we have all seen before. Different actors, different basic plot but all will be good in the end. Or not. The more I see the less I enjoy them. Give me a David Hasselhoff.  At least he was a bit funny as he chewed the scenery.

Friday, October 26, 2018

While I slept 2

So last night I had a journey.  I took a trip to the local sleep station to be hooked up to monitors while I sleep.  I would have posted from the center but the nurse there didn't want me doing ANYTHING other than sleeping. The only problems I had were getting my pillows set up and the volume of the TV.  The nurse's speech had me being prepared for being woke up and trying to find the perfect match, in masks, for me. But none of that happened. I slept straight through. I don't know if I passed or failed. I suppose they will call me with results. We will see!

Well here we are weeks later and I got the call yesterday. I need a mask so I will have to go back and get fitted etc.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Restaurant Review 1 - Bison Witches Bar & Deli

While driving on Main St in Norman Ok, if you go far enough east, you will get to restaurant that will call out to you and dare you to come in. If you are brave enough, welcome to Bison Witches. If you aren't, keep going and hang a right and get you some overpriced gyros. Bison Witches has finally enticed me into eating there. Here is what transpired... 

We got out of the car and there was a crowd of about 4-5 smokers out front, getting a few puffs in. We stepped through the door and to my right there is a stage set up for something. I am thinking spoken word. We ventured back and found a seat beside the wall. The waitress, a punky little brunette, came back and dealt with us. I am not, repeat am not, a fan of the shi shi places around so this place was tweaking my senses. Would it be good or would it be a failure? Well, to my relief and chagrin, it wasn't either one.

I ordered a Beef & Cheddar sammich and a side of chili and waited. And waited... People came in and put in their orders and got theirs before mine came out. But wait .... no keep waiting... ahh here it comes. Basically I think the chili was okay. It was like good old Wolf Brand chili with a little cheese grated up on it and a couple small pieces of tomato. It was good but not exquisite, I guess there has never been an exquisite chili made, so I ate most of the chili and a little of the bread. The sandwich was bland. Just not a great taste to the Beef. It was just a beef sammich. Not incredibly seasoned... just sorta laid there and let me eat it. Didn't jump into my mouth and light it up... didn't make me want to hurl either. The chips were those hard old toothbreakers you find everywhere when you just need a Lay(s). Ahhh there I go trying to be Mr. Funny Pants.

I am not saying I will never go back. But it would pretty much have to be the only place open to get me to stop there again. It reminded me of The Mule in OKC. If the friends are going just sit and enjoy a drink. If not, just skip it. 

Highlight - Watching a drunk guy at the bar sing Bye Bye Miss American Pie.
Lowlight - pretty much everything else. 

Final thoughts; skip it unless you really like sammiches!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Where am I going with this blog?

I have a habit of starting stuff and then losing momentum.  As witnessed by the irregularity of posting on this blog. But that's going to change... (pause for guffaws) and it starts now. I am going to post whatever comes to my mind. Now that is a scary scary thought.  My mind is a depot for many MANY different things. But since my stroke, a lot of these thoughts don't last for long.

I may want to review a movie or TV show. I may want to review a restaurant. I may want to tell you a story about what happened to me or what I saw. I may just want to share something I read. Whatever it is, and if it is important enough to me, I will post it.

So I am going to carry a notebook or tablet with me and take notes on what I see. Don't freak out if I see you and start writing. You may have just reminded me of something I needed to share. I am going to grind this stuff out and get me a blog chock full o' stuff.

On this blog I vow!!!           

Wade "The Great"

Alright... Alright

I tried to diet and got down to my lowest weight since high school.  Then gained all the way back up to bad guy territory!  I am going down and staying down! I swear this time!